Recently, a friend said that the new mattress bought at home to sleep uncomfortable, every day to wake up always feel not enough sleep, and even feel back pain, but obviously just bought a mattress, how can sleep up “back pain” it?

Most likely, is your mattress to buy the wrong! Please take this pick mattress selection guide, let me teach you a few tricks, easy to pick a mattress for yourself!

Which mattress material to choose?

There are two main mattress materials on the market today: one is latex and the other is polyurethane. Which one to choose?

A team from the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the National University of Singapore conducted an interesting experiment in which they compared the effects of latex and polyurethane mattresses on human contact pressure.

The results of the experiment showed that latex mattresses are better at reducing peak pressure on the torso and hips than polyurethane mattresses. In layman’s terms, it means sleeping on it without pinching your bones.

Therefore, at this point, it is recommended to recommend the choice of latex.

Which mattress material to choose?

There are two main mattress materials on the market today: one is latex and the other is polyurethane. Which one to choose?

A team from the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the National University of Singapore conducted an interesting experiment in which they compared the effects of latex and polyurethane mattresses on human contact pressure.

The results of the experiment showed that latex mattresses are better at reducing peak pressure on the torso and hips than polyurethane mattresses. In layman’s terms, it means sleeping on it without pinching your bones.

Therefore, at this point, it is recommended to recommend the choice of latex.

How do I choose the softness of my mattress?

The softness and hardness of the mattress has a very important impact on maintaining the health of the spine. If you sleep on a mattress that is too hard for a long time, it cannot match the normal curve of the human spine, and it is easy to trigger the deformation of the spine; sleeping on a mattress that is too soft, the spine is in a curved state. The body force is not uniform, concentrated force in the lower part of the body, long time will also cause back strain, or cause spine and other diseases.

Therefore, we have to choose the soft and hard, the most suitable for their own mattress. The question is what is the most suitable mattress for you? We can divide it from different groups of people.

  1. Children

Childhood is the longest sleep stage in a person’s life, when selecting a mattress or other sleep products, the main consideration is comfort and safety two.

As children are in the period of soft bones, spine growth and shaping, whether too soft or too hard mattress, are not conducive to the growth of the child’s spine. Too soft mattress will lead to children’s spine deformation, too hard mattress will pinch the flesh pain, so soft and hard mattress is more moderate.

In addition compared to adults, children’s skin is very delicate and delicate, more likely to be allergic to mites, triggering coughs and itching, coupled with the children’s metabolism, secretion exuberant mattresses are more prone to breeding mites, and therefore more to pick anti-bacterial mite mattresses and bedding.

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